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Stress Management

Stress is omnipresent. It can overwhelm us in our daily life, in the office or at home. It can lead to physical and psychological pressure, which in turn can develop into serious illness. However, before it comes to this, there several things we can do.


We can identify the stress factor(s) by doing a situation analysis —and evaluating the methods we can use to deal with them.  We look out for strategies, that may lessen or do away with the stress. One of the mthods which works best is practicing mindfulness in nature. It has an immediate effect on our nervous system, relaxing and deepening the breath. At the same time the many superfluous thoughts in our head come to rest.


In our coachings we support  you in this process. This helps you to find new ways of managing your resources in order to be better equipped for future times of stress.

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