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Search for meaning

In times of crisis we become particularly aware of the interconnectedness of the many facets of our life.  If one aspect disappears, we seem to lose control over the others. Our life appears out of balance, as though it had lost its meaning. This can result in sadness, depression, fear and even illness.


However sometimes our search for the meaning of life arises within us without any known reason. We have a deep feeling of unease, a longing for something unknown.  This often occurs around the age of 50. The march of time, the increasingly loud ticking of our biological clocks or unplanned changes - they all remind us that we still have dreams to dream, or opportunities that are waiting to be seized. The nagging questions of «why», «for what» and «what next» clamour for answers.


The Austrian psychiatrist Viktor E. Frankl (1905-1997) was convinced that «Life is not primarily about the search for pleasure, as Freud believed or the search for power as Adler taught, but the quest for meaning.» And for sociologist Aron Antonowsky (1923-1994) three convictions form part of his recipe for happiness, health and wholeness within his model of 'salutogenesis': «I understand.», «I create.», «I find meaning.»


One thing is certain: if we hear and follow the inner call, it will take us on a wonderful journey. The longing for meaning leads us to new ideas and new paths.  And to new horizons. We are happy to be your travel guide along the way.



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