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Outplacement / Dismissal

Our career is usually a path with many windings. Sometimes the need for reorientation arises out of the blue. We either decide to change direction of our own free will — or it is forced upon us, be it through restructuring, job cuts, business closures or mass layoffs. Only rarely do these changes allow us time for reflection. Today over 30% of all layoffs affect people at the age of 50 Plus.


At «Winds of Change» our focus is on supporting you to make the very best of the situation — and to see it as an opportunity. We help you to embark on new paths, ideally even by rediscovering hidden or neglected strengths, forgotten dreams and abilities — and bringing these to light.


As a sparring partner we can support and inspire you with new ideas and feedback, as part of a structured process of your search for both a job and new solutions, on the journey towards that new chapter in your life.


On the way, we will be happy to share our many years of experience, deep understanding of the professional environment in different industries and our extensive contact network.


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